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Medical conditions such as muscle spasms, migraine headaches, muscular tension headaches, temporomandibular joint pain (TMJ pain), and bruxism can cause many problems. It can cause significant disruptions to daily living, even impacting a patient’s livelihood.
Ethemba Health and Image Centres offers a safe, quick in-office treatment for Migraine headaches, tension headaches, TMJ, and bruxism at Ethemba Health and Image Centres in Edmonton. We personally assesses each case to determine the correct course of treatment necessary based on unique patient concerns and conditions. Pain relief is often profound, and patients are pleasantly surprised by how much better they feel after just one treatment. The results and pain reduction usually last from three to six months, depending on the condition treated.
Clinical studies confirm that these types of treatments can reduce the frequency and intensity of migraine headaches as well as muscular tension headaches, for four to six months following a single treatment. Patients who respond well to this type of therapy generally experience improvement within a few days, and can significantly reduce, or in some cases, eliminate their headache medications.
What a blessing it is to have met you. I wish I had recorded our time together ❤
How Much Does Migraine Headache Treatment Cost?
The cost of treatment for migraine headaches will depend on several factors. The price can be affected by body type and type of technique performed. Find out more by scheduling a consultation in our Edmonton office.
Schedule a Consultation
Please call our office to determine whether or not the treatment is covered under Health Services or Private insurance plans.
Call Ethemba Health and Image Centres in Edmonton/Sherwood Park at 780-570-5747 or in Regina at 306-522-3733 today for a free consultation to discuss your options for this safe and simple treatment.
Let us help you return to your daily responsibilities and activities pain-free!
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